Saturday, April 11, 2009

First few days at IIM-Calcutta

If I have to summarize my initial brush with IIM-C, in a nutshell it would be a simple one liner - Astounding. I was always fascinated and taken by the fact that I would have to spend an entire one year with phenomenal candidates from diverse backgrounds. And the fascination took shape with all its whims and chimeras perfectly grounded in real world.

Diversity is an understatement when we talk about the kind of people we have in our batch. From Entrepreneurs to PSU stalwarts, from manufacturing sector to financial number crunchers, from Indian Army to devout programmers - we have it all. And the various viewpoints contributed by all in a simple discussion invariably take the form of an intense debate. Tonight while taking a stroll at IIMC and licking the molten drops of chocobars(humidity at this place abets the liquification process) few of my batch mates vigorously debated on various contemporary issues. It reminded me of my IIT days when we would spend hours debating on inconsequential and trivial matters.

The "various viewpoints" all of us brought-out is an apt reminder of(or should I say precursor to...)an intellectually stimulating year ahead. The sojourn has just started and I am all positively charged-up to suck up every ounce of information floating around.

Signing of for now.!!